CBD is found in hemp products. It is one of the cannabinoids and is the best-known cannabinoid next to THC. Only in recent years has the name CBD gained any medical and social relevance, before that the ingredient was largely unknown and unexplored. CBD is considered to reduce stress and can be used in the form of a dietary supplement for pain, anxiety or other diseases and conditions.

What distinguishes CBD from THC?

CBD differs from THC in many ways. Probably the most crucial difference is the non-psychoactive effect of CBD. States of intoxication caused by CBD are almost impossible. THC, on the other hand, has an intoxicating effect. The sale and consumption of THC is therefore prohibited or only partially permitted in connection with a medical application and under strict conditions.

Can you get high from CBD?

CBD is not psychoactive, which is why you cannot get high from this cannabinoid. This effect is caused by THC alone. In contrast, CBD can even moderate the strength of a THC-induced high. A high is not possible with CBD. It can only occur if the respective hemp product also contains THC.

What is CBD used for?

The exact effectiveness of CBD has not yet been fully researched, but there are many promising approaches in the form of research and studies that could certainly prove new medical effectiveness in the years to come. There is currently a particular interest in the treatment of anxiety, sleep disorders and depression. CBD can also help effectively with neurodegenerative diseases or headaches. Which dose is the right one varies from consumer to consumer and should be determined with care.

How do you consume CBD?

There is a wide variety of CBD products that vary in how they are used. For example, there are CBD oils, CBD tinctures, CBD flowers or even CBD globules that you can simply let melt in your mouth. CBD oil can be taken pure or dissolved in water. Since CBD oil often tastes bitter or woody, you can also drip it onto a sugar cube. CBD flowers, on the other hand, can be taken both as a tobacco substitute and as an additive to tea.

What should you look out for when buying CBD?

Anyone who buys CBD – in whatever form – should primarily pay attention to the quality. Because: Depending on the manufacturing process and manufacturer, CBD can be contaminated in the worst case. It is also possible that pesticides or other chemicals are used. That is why you should find a trustworthy supplier who values a high-quality product. Good starting points are, for example, organic hemp or indoor cultivation. If in doubt, we will be happy to advise you and explain more about our high-quality products and their manufacturing process.


CBD for pets

Cannabidiol has a very diverse, positive effect – both in humans and in animals. CBD is extracted from the crop hemp and can contribute to relaxation or, for example, to strengthening the immune system. You can order the drops for your four-legged friend cheaply from our online shop. 01 How is oil for dogs made? Our biological […]

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What does the research say?

What does the research say? There are now many serious studies on cannabidiol and research is gradually discovering the enormous potential of this hemp active ingredient. For example, various studies have shown that CBD is used for sleep disorders. It was found that CBD calms the nervous system and helps the body fall asleep and stay asleep. It also supports […]

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How does CBD work?

CBD binds to endogenous receptors as part of our so-called endocannabinoid system (ECS) and thus enters our bloodstream. The chemical reactions resulting from the ECS control various processes in the body. People like Bob Marley may be the first thing that comes to mind for many people when they think of hemp or cannabis. But CBD, i.e. cannabidiol, has extremely […]

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CBD manufacturing

How is CBD oil made? In accordance with legal standards, we primarily use the leaves of the female cannabis plant for the Hemplix CBD oil. The unique use of gentle ultrasonic extraction* shortens the extraction time on the one hand and enables a more complete and highly efficient cannabis extraction on the other. After extraction, the CBD is dissolved in organic hemp seed oil. This is how […]

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We would be happy to advise you on all CBD-related questions during our opening hours. We look forward to your call.


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